Famous Cookery Show By Tarla Dalal, Hosted by HLC-45

We Circlers of HLC-45 organised a mega event by the famous cookery author Smt. Tarla Dalal on 18th Feb 2008 at Trupti International Hotel. The same was covered very well in all the leading newspapers.

17th Feb

She was recieved by all of us at the airport and Cr. Jyoti Bidasaria was kind enough to be ensure her comfortable stay at her place. Smt. Tarla DalaL wished to taste  home made speciality dishes of Hubli  and there it was– a well spread dsc01231.jpgcuisine  by HLC -45 at Cr. Jyoti Bidasaria`s  residence. with  Puran poli , Rasam , Masala rice , Vadas and other mouth watering traditional food being served on plantain leaf , which was very much enjoyed by Mrs. Tarla and all of us. with our President LCI .Cr. Mona with us.  Evening was a dinner programme – a joint Fellowship of Hubli Ladies Circle – 45 and Hubli Round Table-37 , hosts were Cr. Sonal Mehta and Tr.Mohit, with theme as – VIVAAH` . All Tablers and Circlers dressed up in most attractive robes and were at their best,  getting married again in presence of Mrs. Tarla Dalal and seeking her blessings. All the couples were asked to answer few queries/ best dressed couple,   with Cr. Jyoti Innanje / 41er. Shrikant -winning the contest- a week long paid trip in an exotic location in India  by the hosts.  Mrs Dalal expressed her happiness with the interaction and felt delighted the way HLC-45  was organising such events /  fellowships. 

18th Feb.

Morning Our Chairperson Cr. Smita Dubeer invited Mrs. Dalal over a breakfast along with circlers. The breakfast comprising of lovely Dosas, tasty sambar / idli , Dharwad pedha and delight of Hubli– the Girmit, which Mrs. Dalal enjoyed very much. Our Chairperson introduced Mrs. Dalal to all her family members and all had breakfast together. The tradition of respecting our guest saw In-laws of Cr. Smita presenting Mrs .Dalal a nice Saree. Mrs.  Dalal expressed her delight to all and conveyed that hospitality was great by all in Hubli.   Later in the afternoon , Mrs Dalal  gave a speech on diet meant for Diabetics  arranged by the Lions Club of Hubli.  18th Feb. Evenng The show began on a great note , with Welcome adress by our Chairperson . Cr. Smita Dubeer. We were delighted to have had our President LCI. Cr. Mona Shanghavi  amidst us with a record crowd of 200 participants .

The show began with Mrs Dalal taking over being assited by  our Circlers- Jyoti Bidasaria / Rupal Thakkar / Sonal Mehta and Sagri Handa  on the stage.  There were 4 dishes namely Banana Walnut Muffin, Rosty Pizzas, Baked Pasta Shells and  Chocolate cheese cake were made and demonstrated , the event taking time as much as 2 hours, arrangements made for clear viewing thro LCD projector to all our participants. Cookery Books were displayed got sold like hot cakes.. and lots of appreacition kept on pouring from all the partcipants to HLC -45 for organising such a lovely event. The dishes made  were given for taste to all the participants during the Tea -break who expressed their delight and happiness having arrnaged the demo . 

We all were extremely happy with our President LCI. Mona Shanghavi  with us thro out the function and spoke about LCI and projects being done . She was very happy with our project and congratulated Cr. Smita and circlers of  HLC-45 for the wonderful event. We also had press meeting wherin the press people intrerviewed our Ch.Smita Dubeer  and Mrs Dalal, who gave away details about the same. 

The event came to an end with Cr. Jyoti Innanje conveying her Thanks to all.                                      


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